Lars Grammel


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“The amount of data that is available to us is ever increasing, and thus is the potential to extract information from it. Information visualization, which leverages our perceptual system to enable us to perceive patterns, outliers, trends and anomalies in large amounts of data, is an important technique for exploratory data analysis. As part of a flexible visual data analysis process, the user needs to construct and parametrize visualizations, which is challenging for novice users. In this thesis, I explore how information visualization novices can be supported in visualization construction. First, I identify existing visualization construction approaches in a systematic literature survey and examine their use cases. Second, I conduct a laboratory study to learn about the process and the characteristics of how information visualization novices construct visualization during data analysis. Third, I identify natural language visualization queries as a promising alternative specification approach that I study by analyzing the queries from the laboratory experiment and by conducting an online survey study. Based on my findings, I propose a descriptive model of natural language visualization queries. Fourth, I derive guidelines for visualization construction tools from my studies and from related work. Finally, I show how these guidelines can be applied to existing visualization tools using the example of the Choosel visualization framework.”

BioMixer: Visualizing Mappings of Biomedical Ontologies

Elena Voyloshnikova, Bo Fu, Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2012), 2012.
Read the poster paper.

BioMixer: A Web-based Collaborative Ontology Visualization Tool

Bo Fu, Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012), 2012.
Try out Bio-Mixer.

WorkItemExplorer: Visualizing Software Development Tasks Using an Interactive Exploration Environment

Christoph Treude, Patrick Gorman, Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), 2012.
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Learn more about the WorkItemExplorer.

Context-aware Recommendation of Visualization Components

Martin Voigt, Stefan Pietschmann, Lars Grammel, Klaus Meissner.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2012), 2012.
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How Information Visualization Novices Construct Visualizations

Lars Grammel, Melanie Tory, Margaret-Anne Storey.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings InfoVis 2010), 17(6): 943-952, 2010.
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“It remains challenging for information visualization novices to rapidly construct visualizations during exploratory data analysis. We conducted an exploratory laboratory study in which information visualization novices explored fictitious sales data by communicating visualization specifications to a human mediator, who rapidly constructed the visualizations using commercial visualization software. We found that three activities were central to the iterative visualization construction process: data attribute selection, visual template selection, and visual mapping specification. The major barriers faced by the participants were translating questions into data attributes, designing visual mappings, and interpreting the visualizations. Partial specification was common, and the participants used simple heuristics and preferred visualizations they were already familiar with, such as bar, line and pie charts. From our observations, we derived abstract models that describe barriers in the data exploration process and uncovered how information visualization novices think about visualization specifications. Our findings support the need for tools that suggest potential visualizations and support iterative refinement, that provide explanations and help with learning, and that are tightly integrated into tool support for the overall visual analytics process.”

Towards a Foundation for Information Visualization Engineering

Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
VisWeek Workshop: The Role of Theory in Information Visualization (VisWeek 2010), 2010.
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A Survey of Mashup Development Environments

Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
The Smart Internet: Current Research and Future Applications, Springer, 2010.
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Smart Media: Bridging Interactions and Services for the Smart Internet

The Smart Internet: Current Research and Future Applications, Springer, 2010.
Read the book chapter.

Attracting the Community's Many Eyes: an Exploration of User Involvement in Issue Tracking

Lars Grammel, Holger Schackmann, Adrian Schröter, Christoph Treude, Margaret-Anne Storey.
HAoSE 2010: Second Workshop on Human Aspects of Software Engineering, 2010

Mashup Environments in Software Engineering

Web2SE: First Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering, 2010.
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Supporting end users in analyzing multiple data sources

Lars Grammel.
Graduate consortium at IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) 2009.

Creating visualizations through ontology mapping

Sean M. Falconer, R. Ian Bull, Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
International Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization, 2009.
Read the workshop paper.


An End User Perspective on Mashup Makers

Lars Grammel, Margaret-Anne Storey.
University of Victoria Technical Report DCS-324-IR, 2008.
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“This paper presents a review of six mashup makers from an End User Development (EUD) perspective. The fast-paced development of mashup makers and related research in the last two years has created a wealth of features and approaches. To provide an overview of EUD support in current state-of-the art mashup makers, we explore, summarize and compare their features across six different themes (Levels of Abstraction, Learning Support, Community Support, Searchability, UI Design and Software Engineering Techniques). We found that the mashup makers provide many features to support end users, but there is still much room for further improvement. These results can be used to guide both research and tool design. User studies that reveal the difficulties in using mashup makers and comparisons of different notations are likely to be especially fruitful research opportunities.”


BugzillaMetrics - An Adaptable Tool Approach for Evaluating Metric Specifications on Change Requests

Lars Grammel, Holger Schackmann, Horst Lichter.
International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE), 2007.
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BugzillaMetrics - Design of an Adaptable Tool for Evaluating User-Defined Metric Specifications on Change Requests

Lars Grammel, Holger Schackmann, Horst Lichter.
DASMA Metrik Kongress (MetriKon), 2007.
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Development of a Tool for the Evaluation of Change Requests

Lars Grammel.
Masters Thesis (Diplomarbeit), RWTH Aachen University Germany, 2007.
Read the thesis.
BugzillaMetrics is a tool for the evaluation of metrics on the issue tracking system Bugzilla. It supports the flexible definition of metrics on nearly any attribute and event stored in your Bugzilla database.